To better understand your options as they relate to your specific coverage and procedure, Call 415-925-1030
Freedom of Choice: Understanding Your Out of Network Benefits
For many patients, health insurance is quite a daunting topic. There are a number of insurance misconceptions about how insurance works at an Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC), such as Bon Air Surgery Center. We hope to clarify your questions here. However, if you have any further inquiries, do not hesitate to contact us.
Frequently Asked Questions
“My surgeon referred me to a surgery center that is an out-of-network facility. What does this mean?”
Many specialty clinics and surgery centers fall under the category of an “out of network” facility. This doesn’t mean we don’t accept your insurance, but instead that we don’t currently have a contract. However, if your policy includes out of network benefits, we may be able to help. Our billing specialists will help you determine what your policy does and doesn’t cover and can answer all your questions.
“What are the benefits of going to an Out-of-Network surgical facility?”
Your surgeon recommended our facility because it is an ideal place for your outpatient procedure. By having the procedure done here, you are avoiding uncomfortable and unnecessary hospital stays. Our facility has advanced technology and experienced staff that can help customize the procedure for you, plus your surgeon will have everything he or she requires.
“Will my insurance company penalize me in any way for visiting a surgical facility outside of my network?”
This varies from one type of insurance to another. Your insurance may discourage you from using an out-of-network facility, but the only way to determine how much your fees will be is by working with us and your insurance company to get an estimate in place.
Bon Air chooses to remain “Out of Network” with certain insurance carriers in order maintain flexibility and provide the most optimal treatment options for our patients. When we do this, our facility is able to tailor its operations to suit specific surgeries, our surgeons and you.
In contrast to this flexibility, in-network providers have a contract as to when, how and by whom certain surgeries are authorized to be performed. Our goal is to offer you and your surgeon the best options for treating your condition.
We hope you found this information useful in planning your procedure. If you want to speak with one of our knowledgeable and caring Patient Assistance Specialists, please call 415-925-1030 today. We want to help you make sense of your health insurance options and discuss your available financial assistance options.